St Matthew's Church. Wood Lane, Chapel Allerton, Leeds, United Kingdom LS7 3QF
07484 635886 revsijones@outlook.com or stmatthewschurch1900@gmail.com
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St. Matthew’s Church of England (Aided) Primary School
A Church School for the whole community
The Chapel Allerton Church of England Primary School, later to be called St. Matthew’s, was founded in 1872. One hundred years later, in 1972, the School moved from Woodland Lane to the present site; next to the Church on Wood Lane. The School takes boys and girls from ages 4+ to 11 years and has a capacity for 420 pupils.
St. Matthew’s is a very special School that believes children need security and consistency and that they learn best in surroundings that are calm and where behaviour is good. The School wants children to feel confident and comfortable.
It provides a wide range of opportunities and experiences so that children will get a broad and balanced education. The main aim is to enable children to communicate with the world around them. To do that the children are taught to be able to read fluently, write well and have a good understanding of maths; they also need to be polite, have a pleasant manner and be enthusiastic for what they are doing. The School supports the children sympathetically and encourages positive attitudes to learning, school and life. It also believes that if we expect the best from the children in all that they do, the greater their achievements will be.
We want all the children of St. Matthew’s to become good citizens of the future. The School tells them the difference between right and wrong, how to sort out problems and that everybody is deserving of respect. They are proud to be an inclusive School, bringing together children from a wide range of economic, social and ethnic backgrounds; creating an exciting and diverse learning community.
The School and Church at St. Matthew’s link together through all that they share; a love of God, a strong sense of community, a commitment to build up people’s spiritual health and a desire to make Chapel Allerton a strong and thriving community.