St Matthew's Church. Wood Lane, Chapel Allerton, Leeds, United Kingdom LS7 3QF
07484 635886 revsijones@outlook.com or stmatthewschurch1900@gmail.com
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Thrive Leeds
Thrive Leeds is a partnership between four local churches which exists to work alongside
children and young people in the local area. We work with 0-18 year olds and their families, and love to give space for them to gather together, find support and friendship, feel valued and think through faith and things that are important to them. Have a look at our latest newsletter here.
We have a fantastic group of young people who gather on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and are looking to grow the team as we meet again after lockdown. Could you help by...
- welcoming and showing an interest?
- preparing and sharing snacks?
- joining in discussions about faith and life?
- showing young people they are valued?
Totally Tuesday is for 9-12s and meets from 7-8pm.
WOW is for those 13+ and meets from 8-9pm on Wednesdays.
Contact Hannah Dey or your church's Thrive Trustee (Helen Copeland)
if you would like to explore this opportunity.
View or download our Annual Report from the bottom of the homepage
Teddy Praise
Held during Term Time in St. Matthew's Church Meeting Room - Wednesday's 10am - 11.30am
All pre-school children are welcome. Songs, stories, and crafts to a theme. Tea, coffee, juice and biscuits. Come on kids bring your parents/grandparents or carers ALL are welcome.
For more information contact Tina Rowe
Loose Women
Informal get-togethers for women who value company and a little breathing space from daily life at the same time. Theatre trips, meals out, guest speakers, jewellery parties and more. A warm welcome awaits for all women of any age - any faith or none.
Second Wednesdays 7.30pm usually in the Meeting Room.
contact Tina Rowe
Men on the Loose
(Mainly) for men
As above - less jewellery.
Lending Library
Around 40 titles available to borrow from the back of Church free of charge.
Church Flowers
If you enjoy flower arranging then why not join the team and make the Church look beautiful each week? The flowers in Church are arranged by an ever increasing band of volunteers of all backgrounds.
Church Grounds
If gardening is your thing, why not put your skills to good use by helping to keep the Church grounds neat and attractive. For further details of our Gardening Group who meet for an hour or two every couple of weeks please contact Doug Pollock
Walking Group
4th Saturday morning each month (except August and December). Meet outside St. Matthew's Church at 10am. Usually a 4-5 mile countryside walk with the option of a pub lunch afterwards. For details please contact Doug Pollock
We welcome people from about 12 years upwards. As well as practice on a Friday, we ring on Sunday mornings, at some weddings and at special events. Old hands and complete novices are equally welcome. Practice on Friday at 7.30pm in the Tower. Please contact Pete Oldfield.
Coffee Makers
We provide tea and coffee after every 10am service in the meeting room. Would you be prepared to make the coffee four times a year? Please contact Tina Rowe
Bereavement Support
After the funeral of anyone in the parish, the next of kin is contacted by one of our bereavement visitors who offer the support of a friendly visit.
Gill Deighton
Although the Parish of St. Matthew’s is Chapel Allerton, two areas within it are more likely to be identified by locals as Meanwood. To help us engage more effectively with these neighbourhoods, we are part of a partnership of churches working together with a focus on Meanwood as a whole. This partnership forms an independent charity called InterACT, and we are proud to have been part of it from the very beginning.
Meanwood is a mixed community, with residents, workers and visitors from many different social, economic and cultural backgrounds. This can sometimes mean its different neighbourhoods feel a million miles apart.
The aim of InterACT is to part of building a more united Meanwood, by creating opportunities for people in and around the area to come together, get to know one another, overcome prejudices and work together for the good of the whole community.
We run a wide variety of activities for all ages, some on a weekly basis and some as one-off special events. They are great for meeting new people or providing space for regular contact with old friends.
We also seek to help individuals develop skills and confidence, all of which plays a part in building our community. For example, we support volunteering, produce resources for parents and encourage people to try new things.
You can find out more on the InterACT website, www.interact.uk.net or through social media: interactmeanwood (Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn) and interactleeds (Twitter)
InterACT Church and Community Partnership
07961 535 767
Scouts (7th North Leeds Scout Group)
Scouting is about being with friends, as part of a team, participating
fully in the adventure and opportunities of life.
The Beaver Scout Section is for young people, aged between 6 and 8
years meeting on a Wednesday (term Time) 6.15 - 7.15pm, St Matthew's Church Meeting Room.
The Cub Scout Section is for young people aged 8 - 10½ years
usually. They meet on a Wednesday (term Time) 6.30 - 8pm,
St. Matthew's School Hall.
The Scout Section is for young people, usually aged between 10½ and 14 years.
We meet on a Thursday (term Time) 7.30 - 9pm, St. Matthew's School Hall.
Please contact Richard Trout
Music See our Music page
Churches Together in Chapel Allerton and Meanwood
St. Matthew's Church; Chapel Allerton Methodist Church; Holy Trinity Meanwood; Stainbeck United Reformed Church; Meanwood Valley Baptist Church; The Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church; now joined with St. Paul's in the Parish of St. John Mary Vianney, Chapel Allerton Baptist Church, InterACT Church and Community Partnership and Thrive.
Find more details by following the individual links above
Our purpose is to unite in acknowledging God’s revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour according to the Scriptures, and in obedience to God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit commit ourselves to seek a deepening of our communion with Christ and one another in the Church.
Our Aims are principally to explore the Christian faith together, to develop mutual relationships, to seek a common mind and to make decisions together.
(Taken from extracts of our constitution).
St. Matthew's is part of the Church of England, belonging within The Diocese of Leeds.
St. Matthew's, along with our neighbouring Churches meet regularly to plan joint events, shared worship, activities and resources.
We are also exploring our links and making new friends within other faith groups.
Chapel Allerton has a thriving annual Arts Festival, which all the Churches become involved with; we have a wonderful Library, a great arts venue and bar - Seven Arts, a good selection of shops and so many pubs, bars and restaurants, you wouldn't know where to go first!
In 1881 The Chapel Allerton Conservative Club, now known as Chapel Allerton Snooker and Social Club opened it's doors and is still going strong hidden away behind the Methodist Hall. It's a private but friendly club with some great snooker tables; We have Chapel Allerton Tennis & Squash Club, Scott Hall Sports Centre, a park with a bowling club, tennis courts and a children's playground; round the corner from the park, you'll find the allotments and a little further down still is Gledhow Valley Woods, a beautiful strip of woodland with bluebells, shady woodland walks and a lake.