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St. Matthew's enjoys a rich musical tradition and has an occasional concert schedule. 

Please see below for details of our various music groups, and any upcoming concerts. 

St Matthew's Choir

is led by our Director of Music, Josh and is our main, robed choir. The Choir leads worship at our traditional Sunday services, currently three Sundays per month, and rehearses once a month, usually a Friday evening. We welcome singers of all abilities though some reading ability is desirable. For more information about joining, please get in touch with Josh.

Family Service Singers

are led by our Organist, Nick. They lead worship once a month at our Family Services and usually rehearse before the Service and occasionally the week before the Service. They are often joined by St Matthew’s Music Group. Singers of all abilities welcome – please contact Nick for more information.

Extra Choir

additional singers join St Matthew’s Choir for major events in the Church Year – including Christmas, Easter and St Matthew’s Day. We operate a mailing list and invite singers to join us on an ad-hoc basis. Strong reading abilities and choral experience essential. For more information, please get in touch with Josh.

St Matthew's Music Group
An informal group of musicians providing music to lead the congregational singing at Family Services.
We currently take part once a quarter at the 10am service, with one rehearsal on the previous Sunday (11.30am -12.30pm)
All levels of ability and age for woodwind, Brass and Stringed instruments are welcome to join - all music provided.

If you would like more information or are interested in joining please speak to Ellen Carter or contact  subject Music Group 


SMASH and St. Matthew's Handbells

For details please contact Romy Ashton

or see Handbells on Facebook

Upcoming Concerts

Come back soon, we regularly host concerts by local orchestras and choirs.

Director of Music

Aljosa Skorja


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