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Revd. Sue Rusholme


I have been greatly privileged to serve the church here at St Matthew’s and the wider community of Chapel Allerton since my ordination on 4th July 2010.

I fully intend to continue to serve God’s church in this place by leading worship and continuing to give pastoral care to those who have need of it for as long as I am able.

May God bless us in our endeavours and guide us as we continue to serve the people of God as we seek to live out the Gospel and share our love of God and neighbour for the sake of the Kingdom.

Retired Priest with Bishop’s Permission to Officiate (PTO)


Sue Sanderson

I have been worshipping at St Matthew's for well over 20 years, ever since I moved into the area when I got married - well, that's not strictly true; I was actually baptised at St Matthew's as a baby and so my connections stretch back further than I care to remember! I grew up in Alwoodley, attended St Barnabas Church and came back to St Matthew's via a time studying in Sheffield.

Over the years my involvement in the worshipping community of St Matthew's has grown. I have been encouraged and enabled by the support of others. Alongside this my faith and trust in God has deepened despite or perhaps even because of times of sadness and questioning. I feel both excited and privileged to be able to serve Christ in this community.


Revd. Simon Jones

This is my first post as a Vicar of a parish since completing my training in the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham. Helen (my wife) and I moved here in February 2022, and we have  been so encouraged by the welcome we have received and what we have experienced already of the community here at St Matthew’s.

I was ordained in 2018 after three years of training part-time whilst continuing to work full-time. For almost 30 years prior to that I had worked for a variety of large corporate organisations in IT and IT Sales, including companies such as Midland Bank (now HSBC) and Microsoft. We have three children, now all living away from home. I didn’t actually become a Christian until my late thirties, and I hope that this experience coupled with my work and family background will help me support and encourage others in their own journeys of faith.


It is my belief that God wants us all to have the best lives we possibly can, it’s just that the best life we can have, is not always the one we think we need or want. But it’s my experience that God knows best! 

So, if you're at all interested in having the best life you possibly can, why not get in touch. I can be reached on email at or on my mobile 07484 635886.


Richard Oliver

Born in 1955, I was licensed as a Reader in October 2009. Coming to this point of commitment was a journey of discovery for me – of the joy of learning and receiving (I am now beginning an MA in Theology and Religious Studies) as well as the joy of ministering and giving (in a busy parish such as St Matthew’s). Although in my fifties, I feel very ‘young-at-heart’!

As a boy I grew up in the Roman Catholic Church, then as a young adult I worshiped in the Baptist Church for 18 years before joining the Church of England in 2000. During this life journey I have been greatly influenced by the spiritualities of Northumbria, Iona, Taize and L’Arche, and I see myself as a deeply ecumenical Christian who rejoices in the diversity of our denominations, here in Chapel Allerton and Meanwood - as together we seek God’s face.

I have been very happily married to Rosie (whom I met at College) since 1982. We have so much in common – apart from our shared Christian faith we are both keen musicians. Both of us work in education with people with learning difficulties, and both are members of the diocesan retreats group for adults with a learning disability. We are also both involved with young people’s groups at St. Matthew’s: Rosie co-leads the junior confirmation group, and I co-lead a youth cell for 12-13 year old's.

One of the joys of St. Matthew’s for me is to see the flowering of the life of God as lived among our wonderfully diverse congregation. I rejoice in the creativity of our young people as seen in the SMASH group, the Family Services and the Youth Eucharist services. I also rejoice when I am part of a family of people worshiping in the Parish Eucharist whilst also having fun together in the annual Barn Dance. Long may it continue.


Rosie Oliver

I have been a Lay Reader at St Matthew’s since 2013. I did my Reader training through York St John University. I enjoyed studying different modules such as Old and New Testament, Ethics, Church History, and Mission and Ministry. It was interesting to discuss various contemporary ideas with other students.


I have been a Learning Support Assistant since 1988 but a couple of years ago was made redundant after 24 years. I was delighted to find a job in another High School in Leeds where I now work with pupils for whom English is an additional language. I find this work very rewarding, and I have learned much about the cultures of these young people.


I have always valued music, and really enjoy being a member of the choir at St Matthew’s Church. I also play the clarinet in a local concert band. We play film music, jazz and music by contemporary composers. Richard and I also play our instruments at YAMSEN choir, which is a choir of adults with learning difficulties, led by Mavis West.


I am excited about the future of St. Matthew’s. I am very encouraged by the Gather Together Services, as I feel that this style of worship reaches out to families who are on the edge of church. Another advantage is that families can join in the activities together. I am encouraged by the Night Shelter which we have run for the last two years. This is such a positive way in which the church can show God’s love in a very practical way. I would also like to see developments at St Matthew’s for people with Dementia, such as a Memory Café and Dementia Friendly Services.


St Matthew’s Church is a warm, friendly community of which I am very proud to be a member.

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